
Loulé conducts online internal training session on Green Public Procurement

01 Mar 2021

Within the scope of the European project BEACON, the Division of Climate Action and Circular Economy of the municipality of Loulé, in partnership with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon and the company Systemic Sphere, carried out on February 25th a online internal training session dedicated to the theme of Green Public Procurement (GPP).

The GPP are an important instrument to achieve the objectives of the municipal environmental policy, related to climate change and circular economy, efficient use of resources and sustainable production and consumption, as they allow the carrying out of a careful environmental analysis of all purchases of goods and services.

The commitment and dedication of the municipality, its technicians and executive, with these themes has been very evident over the last few years with the implementation of the municipal climate action policy, reinforced in this internal action, which was attended by the Mayor Vítor Aleixo in the opening session, the Environment Councilor Carlos Carmo, the Municipal Director Júlio de Sousa and more than 35 municipal technicians, with around 20 Organic Units of the organizational structure represented.

It is expected that this action will be a starting point for joint work and daily improvement at an environmental level in public purchases made by the municipality, contributing to our municipality becoming a reference at the national level, promoting sustainability and motivating new market strategies.